Ruth A. Keri, PhD
“I wish I was the full moon shining off a Camaro’s hood...”
I grew up in an Appalachian community in rural Pennsylvania and, with grants and scholarships, attended Edinboro University of Pennsylvania (not the University of Edinburgh in Scotland), earning a BA in chemistry. I became a Research Assistant in the Department of Pharmacology at CWRU and worked in the department for 34 years. I received outstanding mentorship from John Nilson and have held every position in the department other than Chair, including Research Assistant, Graduate Student, Post-doctoral Fellow, Instructor, Assistant, Associate, Full Professor, and Vice Chair. I am also the Associate Director for Basic Research in the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center. My research trajectory began with identifying the basic mechanisms of gene regulation in reproductive biology, specifically the glycoprotein hormones in the pituitary. After a brief stint identifying the role of luteinizing hormone in contributing to granulosa cell tumors of the ovary, I moved into discerning mechanisms underlying breast development and cancer and have been in this field for over 20 years. I have many interests in science, but my core foci are transcriptional and intracellular signaling control of cell states. I am also strongly committed to training the next generation of scientists, particularly those from underserved backgrounds. My mantra is to never give up. If you work hard enough and smart enough, you will be successful!
Curriculum Vitae
Media Presence
2/2019: Highlighted as one of the 2019 Notable Women in STEM by Crain's Cleveland Business. View their story
1/4/2017: Interviewed by the Cleveland Scene about Misunderstandings in Cancer Research, Underrepresentation of Women in Science, and NIH Funding. Read the interview
4/1/2016: Discussed how the Endocrine Society is advocating for increased funding for the NIH during the Society’s Annual Meeting. View the interview
2/5/2016: Featured with Nicole Steinmetz (CWRU Biomedical Engineering) on CNBC Africa for their work on detecting Ebola. View their story
12/7/2015: Featured with Nicole Steinmetz (CWRU Biomedical Engineering) in National Science Foundation’s online magazine Science Nation for their work in detecting Ebola.
1/30/2015: A panelist in "From Science to Cancer Cures Panel" in the City Club of Cleveland. Check out the panel